fantastic story, art, and twist! took about two hours to complete while also getting lost a few times, but it's not difficult given that the game is good about giving hints. (not overbearingly so, i often tried to refrain from seeking them out to complete the puzzles myself, but it's nice that they're there regardless)
i also appreciated that the game gets interesting VERY quickly.. the whole experience goes by so fast because of how fast & smooth everything is :]
Got it for free; played it and went back here to pay for it. Great story, nice graphics and animations, balanced puzzles: everything was really well-done, congrats to the developer and artists!
Hi Honza! That was amazing. The levels were splendid and the dialog equal parts witty and deep. I enjoyed it a great deal.
Quick question: are you interested in a fan translation? I'd love to do one (I'm a professional translator), but extracting dialogue from an AGS is a hassle. Let's talk about it! (I've messaged you already on twitter.)
Thanks again for this great game, looking forward to the next one!
AMAZING GAME, Cinema Quality. This was an amazing experience. Deeply thought provoking. (also I heard that there is a secret 3rd ending could you plz tell me how to find it) The Only word to describe this is masterpiece.
Thank you very much! Here are some SPOILERS of how to get the secret ending (not 100% spelled out solution, but a strong hint).
There is something you can do at the very end, just *before* you enter the secret chamber to vote. There are not that many interactive things at that point, I'm sure you'll find it :).
Oh, great! I feel like the more emotional/character driven aspects of the ending get a bit lost in all the other stuff that goes on there, really happy it worked this way for you - a bit of chills was the intention! :)
I played through it. A masterpiece indeed. Someone buy the script and make this a movie, please! :D
It was simply the best game I have played for some time now ... Nothing less.
<3 P.S.: It´s not short, it plays for 2 hours of high quality enjoyment and that is more than what I get from most cinematic-moments. Also it is the best whodunnit in my humble opinion ever conceived.
Can I throw money at you guys?
I remember back then 1993 having played through BENEATH A STEEL SKY and it had the absolute same length. I have no clue how you perceive this game as "short", It´s not! /.-)
Thank you so much for the kind words! And I'm happy that the game doesn't feel *that* short. Feel free to throw any money you see fit, we'll do our best to catch it! ;)
E v e r y t h i n g is gorgeously and perfectly crafted. What a gem of a game!
BUT: Please reconsider the annoying library-thing. If you can´t solve it with deductive skills, then WHAt is ist? A dice trapped in a slow-motion-esque universe?
I am the most patient person from here (where I stand) to Wyoming - and beyond. But, I could not get through the annoying library-"puzzle". Is this an extended red hering-joke?
Otherwise, I think your game is sooo beautiful, I would like to include you in my heritage. <3
Thank you, glad you like the game overall! I'm not sure what exactly you mean by the library thing, but if you're talking about the lamps/levers - from feedback I've got I'm not aware of people getting stuck there particularly often. Here's the idea:
- you quickly figure out the lamps are actually levers and they trigger some hidden mechanism.
- [HEAVY SPOILERS] since the passage is meant to be opened by four people, the lamps need to be pulled all at once. This may seem a bit random at first but is explained later - so yeah, in this regard it kinda is an extended joke :).
- The rest relies on trial and error, but keeping the levers down is proving to be a relatively intuitive thing people try, because it's just the kind of thing you do in point and clicks (which plays into the joke/reveal later).
Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I think in the next version I'll have Ava comment on her reason for pulling the lamps a bit more (currently she says she's "heard things of ancient libraries" and "it's worth a try", implying there could be a secret passage, but it's probably not too clear). I can also signpost the solution (something like "it won't stay down!" when you pull the lever). Hopefully this will make it feel a bit less random without revealing too much. The challenge here is to not give away the [SPOILERS] four people thing, that's supposed to be a surprise.
And: I seem to have completely lost my track here.... But I really have no idea how I *SPOLIER* should be able to leave the library (resets the levers) to get a small crowd of characters involved with my brandnew lever-pulling-hobby... Alas!*SPOILER*
Oh wait, sorry! You're still stuck there?! My apologies then, I assumed you got through it/looked up a walkthrough, finished the game and are only talking about it in retrospect.
Forget everything I said then, sorry for the spoilers :(. You can keep the levers down using items you collect - maybe you just don't have the stuff you need yet. If you want the whole solution, let me know what you have in your inventory.
When running the M1 version on a M1 Max Ventura 13.5.1, I got the following error: "'Shards of' is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Bin." I downloaded the Intel version and found a readme file with instructions for bypassing quarantine, which then also worked for the M1 version. Thanks!
I really enjoyed this game - the storytelling, the world, that even has some really strange beings, the classic mystery and the beautiful artwork. And a secret ending, too :-))
I rarely comment here (this may very well be my first comment on the site), but this one really calls for it. The game is amazing.
The story is so well thought through it could be made into a detective novel. There are a few moments when things "click" and make me wonder, why didn't I think of it myself? The world is coherent, the characters have personalities and the lore leaves you with some good dilemmas to think about after you're done playing.
The playthrough is uncomplicated, but reading the dialogs and typical point-and-click trial-and-error does take its time (although the logic-to-guesswork ratio isn't bad). For such a short game the author put their heart and soul into it and the resulting quality is stunning.
Apart from the game shortness, the only thing I can complain about is the unsatisfying ending (the very ending).
Thank you very much, honored to have inspired your first post :)! I'm really happy that the detective elements work, it was important to me to get the genre right.
By the very ending you mean the epilogue text, and the fact that neither of the two outcomes is exactly positive? Because there is also a third, hidden ending, and you may find that one a bit more satisfying :).
Ooooh, I'll be sure to look for it in some free moment! Regarding the ending,
I actually liked that neither of the two was the objectively "correct" choice, that's why the dilemma was so thought provoking and took me several minutes to consider. The thing is, and I knew it even then, the game was about to end regardless and my choice was kind of pointless. Those few lines of epilogue didn't feel rewarding enough. Perhaps I'd be happier if the game ended right after my choice with no epilogue at all, leaving it to my imagination (though admittedly, were I in your position, I wouldn't take such a game-design risk -- for many it'd be even worse).
Still, that somewhat disappointing epilogue didn't break the experience for me.
Well, in my mind the epilogue isn’t that important, the real ending is the conclusion to the case and the fact that Ava gets to make a choice using the bloody shard. Leaving it completely open was actually the first option I thought of, but I was told people would find it disappointing and I have to agree - I'm sure there would be a lot of complaints had I left it that way ;). Still, to me, the actual story ends with the fadeout on the scales.
I just gotta say that this game is absolutely astounding! The art, the music, the writing, everything across the board was so delightful and well done! The puzzles were fun and had me thinking but it was never too hard. I didn't get stuck and have to look up a walk through at any point (which is rare for me in a puzzle game).
Especially impressive when you see that this game was made by such a small team in such a short amount of time. Completely worth your time and money. :)
Super well crafted game, from story to coherent art to good writing to nice music! Impressive to read that it was made in 2 weeks. Seems to me that you built a proper scifi world for this game, with interesting backstories and tangents, that is also easy to understand by a casual player but deep enough to be entertaining and actually make you think a bit.
I'm super glad it was free because I only stumbled on it by randomly browsing free games. But that being said, I hope you are able to sell some games cause you are good at making them! Congrats and thanks for sharing this game!
Thank you very much for the nice feedback, happy you liked it! Although I should say only the demo was made in two weeks, it took about six more weeks after that to finish the game ;).
...And another comment about your game making in general...
Nitter stopped working again. Elon Musk is doing what he can to stop people from using his toy. Anyway I remember that you already have a Mastodon profile, but didn't update it regularly. Could you please consider doing so, for the sake of Twitter-account-non-owners, who are now locked out of using Twitter "passively", as I call it.
...And it would be great if you updated a bit about how is "The Witch's Lullaby" remake going...
love the story, love the music, love the art. and as a crazy person who loves clicking every single thing they see i think i got the true ending on my playthrough which was v exciting!! lovely lil game
Really great little game. Particularly loved the humour in this one and thought it blended perfectly with the story and world. The puzzles were just at the right level too. Look forward to more!
It looks interesting and I really want to try it! But I'm unable to run it on Linux... After I set the 'execute' permission, it fails with the message: "Shards of God/data/ags64: Permission denied", and I can't figure out what permission it needs.
Pretty good little game although I did have some excessive trouble figuring out what was next. Partly because I would get distracted during the 2 hour conversations and miss something important.
Sure, thanks for giving it a try! I wish there were actually 2 hour conversations, then I could sell it as a full length game ;)... but I get it, as point and clicks go it’s on the dialogue-driven side, and the final suspects-gather-in-the-library scene is bound to test your patience if you’re not that much into the story.
Oh God, I loved your game ! And I had the biggest gaming laugh of my whole life with the "puzzle" joke at the end xD But can't find the secret ending, damn !
This bug should be fixed in version 1.1 (I just tried in Windows and couldn't get rid of the shard) which was uploaded 24 days ago - is it possible you downloaded before that?
And thank you, happy you're enjoying the game! Do you want a hint for the secret ending or do you want to figure it out on your own?
this was one of the most fun and engaging point and click mystery games i've ever played. Loved the entire setting and world of this one , and the writing was sooo good. i'm very excited to see the next game from this creator <3
Thank you very much, I'm flattered! I'm currently working on a full length version of my previous jam game, The Witch's Lullaby - you can find some screenshots and updates here:
I rated this game very high (5*), because of the atmosphere, brilliant dialogues, classic whodunit (with the all-people-in-a-room ending) and social commentary. But I forgot about the graphics, which are simply superb. This is a commercial game, period. Great, great work.
Thank you very much! I'm really happy that you appreciate the story and especially the whodunnit elements - trying to do justice to the classic Christie format was one of the main goals with this game.
Great little game! Especially loved the atmosphere and the accessibility of the puzzles, which is definitely a sore point in old-school games likes this most of the time.
This could really work out well in a more extended form: it already has all the content to make a bigger game (especially expanding the last part), and the kind of ending is really worth a longer experience!
Great graphics, I love the good old low resolution. But I also have nothing against pixel art in somewhat higher resolution (especially since the first version of "The Witch's Lullaby" was, unfortunately, rather blurry). ;) It would be great if you went back to posting some updates from that game's remake too...
I loved playing this game for about an hour; however, I must be stupid because I seem to be the only commenter to have found the game difficult! It has great atmosphere and music and animations. I just dont know what the heck Im doing other than bothering about lol.
No worries! Oldchool point and clicks have a specific logic to them. I think the game is easy for people who have played a few of these (like the first three Monkey Islands, Day of the Tentacle, Deponia, etc.), but if you’re not used to the way these games work, I can easily see you scratching your head about what the game wants you to do.
If you let me know what you’ve done so far, I’ll be happy to nudge you in the right direction :).
Thanks for your reply. I forgot to respond to it. By playing around a bit I was able to move past where I was stuck and then enjoyed the rest of the game play. I especially liked the endings and the world-building. Good stuff.
It is supposed beeing of a far greater difficulty being old-school, he still adapted it to the "modern" players to admirable extent, knowing this thou haebbe no reason complaining.
I really liked this game - well done! I think the story structure and the twists worked really well, and the artwork and animations were excellent!
If I had a suggestion, I would just want to advocate for being able to control the music audio level. I definitely enjoyed the music, but some of the violin during Act III was really loud in my ears.
Ha, I'm *just* watching the loud music part of your playthrough as I'm reading this :). Thanks for the feedback, I agree a volume controller would be nice, but I haven't done one in AGS yet and handling sound in this game was already so finicky that I'm afraid I'd break something if I tried to implement it now ;). Will try with the next one!
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fantastic story, art, and twist! took about two hours to complete while also getting lost a few times, but it's not difficult given that the game is good about giving hints. (not overbearingly so, i often tried to refrain from seeking them out to complete the puzzles myself, but it's nice that they're there regardless)
i also appreciated that the game gets interesting VERY quickly.. the whole experience goes by so fast because of how fast & smooth everything is :]
Whaow ! 😃👍👍👍
Got it for free; played it and went back here to pay for it. Great story, nice graphics and animations, balanced puzzles: everything was really well-done, congrats to the developer and artists!
It was truly amazing!!!
I loved playing this!
Hi Honza! That was amazing. The levels were splendid and the dialog equal parts witty and deep. I enjoyed it a great deal.
Quick question: are you interested in a fan translation? I'd love to do one (I'm a professional translator), but extracting dialogue from an AGS is a hassle. Let's talk about it! (I've messaged you already on twitter.)
Thanks again for this great game, looking forward to the next one!
Amazing Game ! too much chit-chat but beautiful animated . The graphics/music are just fabulous ... thank :)
This isn't a game. This is AN EXPERIENCE.
I had a crazy theory in the first minutes of the story, about a potential end twist. I was wrong, and the actual twist surprised me.
At first I thought Mother Tiabata was the culprit, and only asked us to recreate the murder to frame us.
The reveal that the victim wasn't who I thought he was took me off guard.
AMAZING GAME, Cinema Quality. This was an amazing experience. Deeply thought provoking. (also I heard that there is a secret 3rd ending could you plz tell me how to find it) The Only word to describe this is masterpiece.
Thank you very much! Here are some SPOILERS of how to get the secret ending (not 100% spelled out solution, but a strong hint).
There is something you can do at the very end, just *before* you enter the secret chamber to vote. There are not that many interactive things at that point, I'm sure you'll find it :).
Beautiful, polished, well-written, and just a joy to play. Thank you for making this wonderful adventure game!
Thank *you*!
The ending sent chills down my spine
Oh, great! I feel like the more emotional/character driven aspects of the ending get a bit lost in all the other stuff that goes on there, really happy it worked this way for you - a bit of chills was the intention! :)
I played through it. A masterpiece indeed. Someone buy the script and make this a movie, please! :D
It was simply the best game I have played for some time now ... Nothing less.
P.S.: It´s not short, it plays for 2 hours of high quality enjoyment and that is more than what I get from most cinematic-moments.
Also it is the best whodunnit in my humble opinion ever conceived.
Can I throw money at you guys?
I remember back then 1993 having played through BENEATH A STEEL SKY and it had the absolute same length. I have no clue how you perceive this game as "short", It´s not! /.-)
Thank you so much for the kind words! And I'm happy that the game doesn't feel *that* short. Feel free to throw any money you see fit, we'll do our best to catch it! ;)
very good
E v e r y t h i n g is gorgeously and perfectly crafted. What a gem of a game!
BUT: Please reconsider the annoying library-thing. If you can´t solve it with deductive skills, then WHAt is ist? A dice trapped in a slow-motion-esque universe?
I am the most patient person from here (where I stand) to Wyoming - and beyond. But, I could not get through the annoying library-"puzzle". Is this an extended red hering-joke?
Otherwise, I think your game is sooo beautiful, I would like to include you in my heritage. <3
Thank you, glad you like the game overall! I'm not sure what exactly you mean by the library thing, but if you're talking about the lamps/levers - from feedback I've got I'm not aware of people getting stuck there particularly often. Here's the idea:
- you quickly figure out the lamps are actually levers and they trigger some hidden mechanism.
- [HEAVY SPOILERS] since the passage is meant to be opened by four people, the lamps need to be pulled all at once. This may seem a bit random at first but is explained later - so yeah, in this regard it kinda is an extended joke :).
- The rest relies on trial and error, but keeping the levers down is proving to be a relatively intuitive thing people try, because it's just the kind of thing you do in point and clicks (which plays into the joke/reveal later).
Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I think in the next version I'll have Ava comment on her reason for pulling the lamps a bit more (currently she says she's "heard things of ancient libraries" and "it's worth a try", implying there could be a secret passage, but it's probably not too clear). I can also signpost the solution (something like "it won't stay down!" when you pull the lever). Hopefully this will make it feel a bit less random without revealing too much. The challenge here is to not give away the [SPOILERS] four people thing, that's supposed to be a surprise.
Thanx for the quick answer! :D
And: I seem to have completely lost my track here.... But I really have no idea how I *SPOLIER* should be able to leave the library (resets the levers) to get a small crowd of characters involved with my brandnew lever-pulling-hobby... Alas!*SPOILER*
Oh wait, sorry! You're still stuck there?! My apologies then, I assumed you got through it/looked up a walkthrough, finished the game and are only talking about it in retrospect.
Forget everything I said then, sorry for the spoilers :(. You can keep the levers down using items you collect - maybe you just don't have the stuff you need yet. If you want the whole solution, let me know what you have in your inventory.
When running the M1 version on a M1 Max Ventura 13.5.1, I got the following error: "'Shards of' is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Bin." I downloaded the Intel version and found a readme file with instructions for bypassing quarantine, which then also worked for the M1 version. Thanks!
Phew, glad it worked out in the end! Added the readme file to the M1 archive as well, thanks for reporting!
I really enjoyed this game - the storytelling, the world, that even has some really strange beings, the classic mystery and the beautiful artwork. And a secret ending, too :-))
Thank you very much! :)
I rarely comment here (this may very well be my first comment on the site), but this one really calls for it. The game is amazing.
The story is so well thought through it could be made into a detective novel. There are a few moments when things "click" and make me wonder, why didn't I think of it myself? The world is coherent, the characters have personalities and the lore leaves you with some good dilemmas to think about after you're done playing.
The playthrough is uncomplicated, but reading the dialogs and typical point-and-click trial-and-error does take its time (although the logic-to-guesswork ratio isn't bad). For such a short game the author put their heart and soul into it and the resulting quality is stunning.
Apart from the game shortness, the only thing I can complain about is the unsatisfying ending (the very ending).
Thank you very much, honored to have inspired your first post :)! I'm really happy that the detective elements work, it was important to me to get the genre right.
By the very ending you mean the epilogue text, and the fact that neither of the two outcomes is exactly positive? Because there is also a third, hidden ending, and you may find that one a bit more satisfying :).
Ooooh, I'll be sure to look for it in some free moment! Regarding the ending,
I actually liked that neither of the two was the objectively "correct" choice, that's why the dilemma was so thought provoking and took me several minutes to consider. The thing is, and I knew it even then, the game was about to end regardless and my choice was kind of pointless. Those few lines of epilogue didn't feel rewarding enough. Perhaps I'd be happier if the game ended right after my choice with no epilogue at all, leaving it to my imagination (though admittedly, were I in your position, I wouldn't take such a game-design risk -- for many it'd be even worse).
Still, that somewhat disappointing epilogue didn't break the experience for me.
Following up on the SPOILERS...
Well, in my mind the epilogue isn’t that important, the real ending is the conclusion to the case and the fact that Ava gets to make a choice using the bloody shard. Leaving it completely open was actually the first option I thought of, but I was told people would find it disappointing and I have to agree - I'm sure there would be a lot of complaints had I left it that way ;). Still, to me, the actual story ends with the fadeout on the scales.
I just gotta say that this game is absolutely astounding! The art, the music, the writing, everything across the board was so delightful and well done! The puzzles were fun and had me thinking but it was never too hard. I didn't get stuck and have to look up a walk through at any point (which is rare for me in a puzzle game).
Especially impressive when you see that this game was made by such a small team in such a short amount of time. Completely worth your time and money. :)
Thank you very much!
Krásná hra, ale bez češtiny to bohužel nedávám. Nešlo by ji tam přidat?
Díky! Časem možná překlad bude, ale zatím bohužel není nic jisté.
What a gem of a game! Funny, witty, beautiful, and the music and sound design are fantastic, too. Well done!
Thank you :)!
Super well crafted game, from story to coherent art to good writing to nice music! Impressive to read that it was made in 2 weeks. Seems to me that you built a proper scifi world for this game, with interesting backstories and tangents, that is also easy to understand by a casual player but deep enough to be entertaining and actually make you think a bit.
I'm super glad it was free because I only stumbled on it by randomly browsing free games. But that being said, I hope you are able to sell some games cause you are good at making them! Congrats and thanks for sharing this game!
Thank you very much for the nice feedback, happy you liked it! Although I should say only the demo was made in two weeks, it took about six more weeks after that to finish the game ;).
...And another comment about your game making in general...
Nitter stopped working again. Elon Musk is doing what he can to stop people from using his toy. Anyway I remember that you already have a Mastodon profile, but didn't update it regularly. Could you please consider doing so, for the sake of Twitter-account-non-owners, who are now locked out of using Twitter "passively", as I call it.
...And it would be great if you updated a bit about how is "The Witch's Lullaby" remake going...
Who is Elon Musk?
A ridiculously stupid joke set up by the U.S. intelligence community?
A bum who has absolutely nothing in his head?
I already messaged you on the AGS forum when you asked before. Let's only discuss Shards of God here.
love the story, love the music, love the art. and as a crazy person who loves clicking every single thing they see i think i got the true ending on my playthrough which was v exciting!! lovely lil game
Oh, that's great! It's actually signposted pretty heavily if you click on stuff at the right time :). Glad you enjoyed the game!
Really great little game. Particularly loved the humour in this one and thought it blended perfectly with the story and world. The puzzles were just at the right level too. Look forward to more!
Thank you! :)
Hated humour.
Sure it might not be for everyone, but it’s hardly at the level of needing to individually dispute other people’s positive reviews.
Suits the character.
It looks interesting and I really want to try it! But I'm unable to run it on Linux... After I set the 'execute' permission, it fails with the message: "Shards of God/data/ags64: Permission denied", and I can't figure out what permission it needs.
I tried to fix the issue and I've uploaded a new version - can you please let me know if it works now?
Thanks! I tried just now but it is the same: $ ./ShardsofGod
./ShardsofGod: 17: /home/gdwarf/Games/Shards_of_God_Linux_v1.1/Shards of God/data/ags64: Permission denied
Oof, ok, can you try now please?
Wow it works perfectly, thank you so much!
Phew, great! :)
Pretty good little game although I did have some excessive trouble figuring out what was next. Partly because I would get distracted during the 2 hour conversations and miss something important.
Sure, thanks for giving it a try! I wish there were actually 2 hour conversations, then I could sell it as a full length game ;)... but I get it, as point and clicks go it’s on the dialogue-driven side, and the final suspects-gather-in-the-library scene is bound to test your patience if you’re not that much into the story.
In truth, even the length of conversation wouldn't have bothered me if it was possible to pause or rewind/review the conversation.
Either way, I liked the concept and mechanics so I did enjoy it, I just didn't get to experience all of it. So thank you!
Ic share the point.
Oh God, I loved your game !
And I had the biggest gaming laugh of my whole life with the "puzzle" joke at the end xD
But can't find the secret ending, damn !
Oh, I think I found a bug !
Minor spoiler below :
At the end, if you put the ceramic shard out of the little window, it disapears and it seems you're completely stuck !
This bug should be fixed in version 1.1 (I just tried in Windows and couldn't get rid of the shard) which was uploaded 24 days ago - is it possible you downloaded before that?
And thank you, happy you're enjoying the game! Do you want a hint for the secret ending or do you want to figure it out on your own?
I'd welcome a hint because I had no idea there is another ending...
There is something you can do at the very end, just before you enter the secret chamber to vote.
Ah ah xD
I saved over my only save after entering the room ! On to a second playthrough \o/
Got to the third ending !
Truly, a wisely devised game <3
Thanks for creating it !
Pretty sure I played the last version, downloaded it today !
Hmmm, that’s really strange. The Windows one? I couldn’t replicate the bug.
this was one of the most fun and engaging point and click mystery games i've ever played. Loved the entire setting and world of this one , and the writing was sooo good. i'm very excited to see the next game from this creator <3
Thank you very much, I'm flattered! I'm currently working on a full length version of my previous jam game, The Witch's Lullaby - you can find some screenshots and updates here:
I rated this game very high (5*), because of the atmosphere, brilliant dialogues, classic whodunit (with the all-people-in-a-room ending) and social commentary. But I forgot about the graphics, which are simply superb. This is a commercial game, period. Great, great work.
Thank you very much! I'm really happy that you appreciate the story and especially the whodunnit elements - trying to do justice to the classic Christie format was one of the main goals with this game.
Great little game! Especially loved the atmosphere and the accessibility of the puzzles, which is definitely a sore point in old-school games likes this most of the time.
This could really work out well in a more extended form: it already has all the content to make a bigger game (especially expanding the last part), and the kind of ending is really worth a longer experience!
Thank you! I'm working on another bigger game at the moment, but who knows - maybe Ava and Tiabata will return in a longer story one day.
Ic thinkes and wanteth the same.
Great graphics, I love the good old low resolution. But I also have nothing against pixel art in somewhat higher resolution (especially since the first version of "The Witch's Lullaby" was, unfortunately, rather blurry). ;) It would be great if you went back to posting some updates from that game's remake too...
I loved playing this game for about an hour; however, I must be stupid because I seem to be the only commenter to have found the game difficult! It has great atmosphere and music and animations. I just dont know what the heck Im doing other than bothering about lol.
No worries! Oldchool point and clicks have a specific logic to them. I think the game is easy for people who have played a few of these (like the first three Monkey Islands, Day of the Tentacle, Deponia, etc.), but if you’re not used to the way these games work, I can easily see you scratching your head about what the game wants you to do.
If you let me know what you’ve done so far, I’ll be happy to nudge you in the right direction :).
Thanks for your reply. I forgot to respond to it. By playing around a bit I was able to move past where I was stuck and then enjoyed the rest of the game play. I especially liked the endings and the world-building. Good stuff.
It is supposed beeing of a far greater difficulty being old-school, he still adapted it to the "modern" players to admirable extent, knowing this thou haebbe no reason complaining.
I loved the game, the puzzles were made perfectly without any annoying obscure solutions. The ending was pretty okay aswell.
The game was a delight! You should be really proud of your work
Thank you!
I really liked this game - well done! I think the story structure and the twists worked really well, and the artwork and animations were excellent!
If I had a suggestion, I would just want to advocate for being able to control the music audio level. I definitely enjoyed the music, but some of the violin during Act III was really loud in my ears.
Ha, I'm *just* watching the loud music part of your playthrough as I'm reading this :). Thanks for the feedback, I agree a volume controller would be nice, but I haven't done one in AGS yet and handling sound in this game was already so finicky that I'm afraid I'd break something if I tried to implement it now ;). Will try with the next one!
Great piece of work! Amazinig art and elaborated story! I really enjoyed the plot twist and there was some extra fun with the endings.
Thanks, happy you enjoyed it!
This was a lot of fun. The character animation was amazing!
Thank you! :)
This was really good! Well done!
Wow, an absolute gem. Big congrats! Secret ending was perfect 👍
Thanks, happy it's not *too* secret and some people get to see it! :)
I cried at the end, thank you ❤️
Hope it was the good kind of crying! Glad you enjoyed it, thank you for playing.